Go transcript Audio Answer


Speaker 1: This audio is used for the transcriber test at GoTranscript.
Speaker 2: in my experience, I have literally found that you have these two kinds, you have CFO basically that is kind of that is tactical in their thinking, they are penny pinchers and actually they tend to be older if I am honest. You know older CFO's basically they kind of think digital basically is social media. You know we have seen, we have literally seen CFO's basically when the teams have gone to them, look we are going to kickstart some digital transformation program, and they go, yes but we have already got websites, we have already got a facebook account and things. Literally, we have seen that level. So from a CFO perspective, there does need to be a level of education, it's very important to early on to understand basically what type of CFO you are actually dealing with because if you are dealing with CFO that absolutely gets the relevance of the importance of digital you know it is very very overused term but digital differentiation, digital transformation, being in digital business, being able to operate its speed, being able to move into new market at speed because that is fundamentally what digital allows you to do. It allows you to become a flexible ad-hoc organization and if you do it right, you can spot a new market opportunity and you can move into it within four months. You can create a service, you can create a new digital service, move into that new market, try and conquer it. whereas if you aren't a digital organization, you can identify a new market opportunity but traditionally it might take you 18 months to get into it and by that time it is gone. So digital based--becoming a digital organization is much about providing an organization basically with a competitive edge, it is helping them become a sort of more streamlined flexible you know cost-efficient operation. You couldn't start artificial intelligence for example if you weren't a digital organization or a digitized organization at least, so there is a lot of benefits, so understand the type of CFO you are dealing with, if the CFO basically doesn't get it then what we have actually found really-- we have actually found works really well to some of these tactical CFO's is we have actually taken them on tours to go and see companies that are digitized, so [inaudible 00:02:20] digitized,you know transformed and what we found is, when we have encountered CFO's that don't get digital in their both tactical and their thinking and they just think its a fake for example. When we have taken them to see companies that have undergone successful digital transformation programs, where there is an insurance or where ever happens to be, they come out, they have gone, I absolutely get it now, okay, right, so you know so what we now need to do? I have seen the benefits, I have seen the promised land, what we need to do? so with tactical CFO's you have got them in with you, they got to be on board but some of them actually need educating and the best way to educate them is to expose them to the benefits of digital. Even within their own organization, like look if you wanted to do, if you wanted to move in new market as the CFO, it would take you 18 months and here is the evidence for that but if you spot into new opportunity and you were a digital organization, you could move in, you could move in into that new market very very quickly.

Speaker 1: This audio is used for the transcriber test at GoTranscript.

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