CastingWords Transcription Audio Answer

CastingWords Transcription Audio Answer Speaker: So from the very beginning there was difficulty in communication taxpaying [xx] listed on the returns. All the correspondence was nasted and his solution to IRS mail was to essentially just throw it in a pile of unopened mail. Mrs. Smith was forced to rely upon copies of all payment arrangement bills to be able tos end in the payments. She didn't get a standard communication about the account, except for the annual summary that was sent to both parties. In 2008 or 2009, Mrs. Smith asserts that Mr. Smith ha negotiated his own payment plan with the IRS, which included the 2002 Joint Tax amounts which was done without Mrs. Smith's permission, or a culf covering her. From transcripts on the account, it appears that he made only maybe a handful of payments before defaulting on that agreement. So Again, being the secondary tax payer on the account Mrs. Smith say she did not receive any information or correspondence on the mat...