Audio Answer August Passed : CastingWords
Audio Answer (Passed)
Interviewee: My name is Mike Umberger. I work at home, I am an amateur musician, computer programmer, I work in textiles, certainly on my own business. I have 10,000 different hobbies, I have too many. I have three cats that I love more than anything, and that's about it.
Interviewer: What kind
Interviewee: I've worked[00:00:30] in a couple of proprietary ones for independent PC Games, I have worked java scripts, python, HTML. I've dabbled in Java and C-shark.of programming you do
Interviewer: I'm pretty well-rounded, that sounds great. Um, Tell me a little bit about the textiles.
Interviewee: I've been doing things like knitting and cross-stitch crochet for about 6 years now. I've working [Inaudible 00:01:10] other mediums [00:01:01] and I double then. I've done dying, I've done spreading at my own [Not clear] yard on equipment to card my own fibers, that create batts and different colors and textures.
Interviewer: Wow. So pretty much from shipped to finished product. yeah?
Interviewee: Essentially, yeah.
Interviewer: Well that's very cool. Well, thanks for taking the time to talk to me. I will see you again soon.
Interviewee: Thank you very muc[00:01:30].
Interviewer: All right. Bye-bye.
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